It’s Difficult Finding a Technically-Competent Strategist and Copywriter
Finding one who also understands your market is even harder.
When you are seeking outside marketing & content strategy or copywriting help, you need someone who can:
- Comprehend your solution’s technical details with minimal time and effort
- Extract key benefits from those technical details
- Craft compelling messaging that captures those benefits and integrates your strategic goals
- Write persuasive copy using a clear, concise and logical flow
- Sell your solution’s benefits to decision makers — and their technical experts— by convincingly conveying how those benefits will help them
Finding this combination is rare — like the proverbial needle in the haystack.
So most technical solutions companies compromise when choosing marketing, content and sales enablement strategy or copywriting help.
And that can mean poor results from weak sales and marketing materials.
Which Marketing Materials Challenges Have You Experienced?
Challenge #1 — In-House Technical Staff Producing Marketing and Sales Content
Many technical companies recognize that understanding their product’s technical details can be difficult. So they look to the people most capable of understanding those details — the same ones who design, build and sell the product.
Unfortunately, these folks are often so close to the solution it’s difficult for them to capture the benefits in a clear, concise and tangible way. Not to mention that sales staff have quotas to meet and technical experts have “real work” to do.
So the marketing development, like other “collateral duties,” gets put off until the last minute. Then in a rush, the materials are hurriedly thrown together.
What’s more, these folks aren’t trained copywriters. Technical experts, in particular, often describe solutions in such excruciating detail the benefits get lost. Which leaves your marketing message clouded and your sales languishing.
Challenge #2 — Non-Technical Strategists and Copywriters
Because of the first challenge, many companies experiment with outside strategy and copywriting help. While those folks may be trained strategists or copywriters, they lack the technical background and/or the interest in your technical solutions. And they certainly lack the understanding of your market.
This creates a host of issues such as:
- Failure to understand the technical complexities of your solutions.
- Inability to communicate with technical staff and engineers about your solution.
- Difficulty in capturing and expressing the technical and business benefits of your solution in a tangible, believable way.
Challenge #3 — Overwhelmed In-House Staff
Even if you’re fortunate enough to have an in-house strategy or copywriting staff, challenges still occur. Product launches, special projects, peak periods, and even staffing reductions can conspire to delay content development efforts. Without outside help, these materials may not be ready in time.
Your One-Stop Solution
Engineer Your Copy solves all three problems.
Unlike most marketing, content and sales-enablement strategists or copywriters, I’m also a registered professional engineer. With 25 years in the trenches planning, designing, specifying and deploying technology solutions, I can easily communicate with your technical experts and your customers.
In fact, I’ve likely been your customer (or at least in your market). So I can quickly distill and capture important features and what their benefits will mean to your market.
But unlike most engineers, I’m also highly trained in the the science of marketing & content strategy as well as the art of persuasive writing. I have over a decade of real-world marketing & content strategy experience, 30 years of experience writing persuasive copy and have been professionally trained in writing business-to-business, direct response and online copy.
Just as importantly, I’m intimately familiar with the strategy and copy techniques specific to different project types such as case studies, white papers, trade articles, sales letters, direct mail and various forms of online and offline marketing and advertising.
Even if you have in-house strategy or writing staff, I can help you. When you experience busy periods or have a special project, contact me. I can jump in and get you through those peak periods. And I’m always available to bring a fresh perspective to your existing materials.
Find Out More…
To learn more about my B2B technical strategy and copywriting services, and for a more extensive list of projects I can help you with, check out my Services page.
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Want to discuss your project? Contact me here.